04/12/2002 9:28:00 pm
Can you treat a person with fungal diseases ?

Yes, provided not a significant level of disease. QRS should not be used by a person suffering from a massive fungal disease (in the blood but also in the intestine). Everyone has candida in the intestine but if there is too much, there is a need to treat with an antimycostatiica before treating with QRS

Published by Stewart Penny den 04/12/2002 9:28:00 pm (qrsinternational@bigpond)
Novato Medic AB  |  Unnebo 1, S-335 33 Gnosjö, Schweden  |  Tel: +46 370-33 36 75,  Fax: +46 370-33 36 76  
E-mail: novato@qrs.nu